
Detailed information about all creatures in Nostalther.


Dworc Fleshhunter

The most common members of the orcish subspecies known as dworcs (which are rumoured to be a hybrid of orcs and dwarfs) are known as Dworc Fleshhunters. The name is referring to the cannibalistic habits of this disgusting race. Dworc Fleshhunters serve as scouts, and in battles they form the shock troops of the dworcish tribes. With long lance-like weapons, they try to slow down their enemies while other dworcs attack from a safe distance. Like all dworcs, the constant exposure to poison has made them immune to all toxic effects, and like all dworcs they like to apply some sort of poison on their weaponry. Without their allies their fighting abilities to delay and to distract their enemy becomes almost worthless, and so they pose only a little threat to a seasoned fighter.

This creature has 85 hipoints and yields 35 experience points. It takes 300 mana to convince these creatures.

They sometimes carry the following items:
